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* Subjects Taught
PART - A : Personal Details
* Full Name (In Block Letters) * Date Of Birth
* Father's / Spouse Name * Mobile No.
* Email Address * Gender Male Female
* Marital Status * Nationality
* Category
Correspondence Address
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* State: * Pin Code:
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Permanent Address
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Part - B : Academic Experience
Educational Qualifications
Examination / Degree Name of Board/College/University % of Marks Specialisation Year of Passing
Ph. D
* Post Graduation
Post Graduation 2
Additional Certificates
LinkedIn Profile URL
Title of Ph. D. thesis awarded
* Whether qualified NET/SLET/SET Yes No
Details of Employment Experience
* Current Salary * Expected Salary
* Notice Period  
(In chronological order starting with the most recent)
Name of Employer Designation Period of Employment Experience at
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Research Experience
Number of Publications
Research Paper Journals National
Conferences National
Books Author
Other Information
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies :
Declaration I hereby declare that the information given by me in the Application is true to my knowledge.
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